Agunesh is a lawful good god of the sun and sky. Its associated domains are light, life, and war. It has no gender, but can incarnate in both male and female forms, called Agun and Agune respectively. Agunesh's symbols are a sun with 12 rays, and a spear. Its associated colors are gold, white, and blue.
Because of Agunesh's genderless nature, priests of Agunesh may be of either gender, but strive to make themselves androgynous. The most significant part of this is "the greater initiation," wherein priests of a certain rank must be castrated (if born male) or have their breasts removed (if born female). Lay devotees of the god are not subject to this requirement. All believers of Agunesh are required (unless traveling) to help prepare and then eat a communal meal at a temple of Agunesh at least once per day, generally in the evening. During these meals, the temples will also feed those who cannot afford to eat, as charity is among the virtues believers are commanded to pursue. For those who are travelling and cannot attend a temple meal, they are required to say prayers over their food, as the head priest of the temple typically would over all the communal food.
Agunesh is a great warrior, and so is a popular god among soldiers. A legend states that early in the reign of Brant, when all of Vissia but the fortress of Ansberg had been taken by foreign armies, an avatar of Agune appeared and led the Vissian armies to victory, turning the tide of the war and beginning Brant's rapid expansion of the kingdom to its current borders. Vissian armies will often include a priest of Agunesh who blesses the evening meals of the soldiers.
The 12 rayed sun of Agunesh